Breathe.......When we breathe slowly, deeply, one full breathe that flows into the next, that slows the heart rate. When we slow our heart rate, the sympathetic nervous arousal that was ignited and started a chemical cascade slows. That slows and our anxiety can decrease. Then we can begin to sort out what elevated our anxiety to begin with.
Distraction.....You can't feel two things at once. So if you are feeling anxious, angry, worried or any uncomfortable emotion that has set off your sympathetic reaction, and has lead to anger, fatigue, anxiety foggy thinking...look out in front of you. look at anything. It can be a book cover, it could be a bush, it could be distant and barely perceptible. Read the words I have written here.....
JUST LOOK AT IT! You can't feel and think at the same time. It is anatomically challenging to do....We aren't wired to do two things at once........Looking at something will make your brain think what is that I see..............
Journal.....If you have used breathing, and distraction to help you regain some emotional balance, or for these moments where you are not too stressed but want greater clarify over what you're feeling. Journal. Writing down our thoughts gets them out of our body and helps us to reflect and gain more clarity.